- 私人博斯普魯斯海峽遊船之旅
- 乘坐「尊屬您」的私人土耳其帆船探索迷人的愛琴海,於蔚藍的大海中暢泳、浮潛或享受日光浴 探索土耳其秘境 入住充滿特色的洞穴酒店或同級酒店,體會最原始而奢華的一面
- 到訪世界文化遺產棉花堡及古希臘城市希拉波利斯,細看如夢似幻的白色城堡
- 專業的普通話/英語私人當地導遊
- 來回香港及伊斯坦堡商務機票
如欲了解詳細行程,可登入: https://www.luxetravel.com.hk/HK/Journey-Luxe-Hidden-Gems-Natural-Wonder-of-Turkey-Private-Tour-10Days-8Nights 。
参考團費: 港幣83,880起 / 每位成人計 + 稅 (以每位成人佔半房及以4人成行計算,需視乎情況而定)
然而探索土耳其有不同方式,請聨絡品味遊專員了解更多 (+852) 2539 0628 / 中國 (+86) 147 14337 863)。
Turkey is so unique. Not only because she is an ancient country which has a total of 18 sites inscribed on the World Heritage List, but also as an energetic modern state. Benefited by her geographic position and the EU-Turkey Customs Union, Turkey is the trading hub in the Black Sea and Near East region. So we can explore the natural beauty and the gorgeous history of the Turkish Empires in modern and comfortable means.
Turkey is also the second largest European country after Russia. Would it be a hardship to travel across the country? "Luxe Hidden Gems & Natural Wonder of Turkey Private Tour", offers luxurious accommodations and comfortable transportation including:
- Private Cruise Along The Lifeblood of Istanbul
- Private adventurous sailing experience in a gulet to explore the fascinating Aegean Sea. You can enjoy swimming, snorkelling, sunbathing and relaxing.
- Explore hidden gems of Turkey Stay at spectacular “cave hotel” or same graded accommodation. Visit the dreamy Pamukkale, a UNESCO World Heritage site and the ancient spa city of Hierapolis. Visit the famous architectures includes Blue Mosque, St. Sophia (Hagia Sophia) and Church of Holy Savior in Chora, to understand the history of Istanbul
- Professional local Mandarin or English speaking guide
- Return Business class air ticket between Hong Kong and Istanbul
Detail itinerary: https://www.luxetravel.com.hk/EN/Journey-Luxe-Hidden-Gem-of-Turkey-Private-Tour-10Days-8Nights
Reference Tour Price: HKD83,880up/adult +tax (based on twin share, minimum 4 adults traveling together, subject to availability)
You can explore this beautiful country in many ways. Please check with your Luxe Travel Specialists for your benefits consulatation at +852 2539 0628 or +86 147 14337 863.
It will not be just another unique journey but a journey fitting perfectly with the discerning you!
Yours faithfully,

Michael Francis Yeung 楊廸深
Chief Luxe Travel Specialist 首席品味遊專員
Luxe Travel | 品味遊
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